
Friday, March 11, 2011

The One that I Wished For

Yesterday I wrote about my sweet Mercedes so today I want to write about my Kade.The one I wished for.The one I prayed for.Tom and I wanted to have a child of our own.That was us.So in we decided to try to get pregnant.It took about 13 months.I am going to have to say that was the longest year of my life.I wanted this baby so bad.I ached for it.Then on November 21 2003 I took a test.A test that changed everything in my life again.I wasn't feeling good and decided to take it.I just knew it was going to be another negative.When the 3 minutes were up I went to look and there it was...two very bright pink lines.I stood there in shock.Was it real?Was I really pregnant?So I went and bought 2 more tests.They were the same results.I was indeed pregnant.I had gotten my wish.Tom was over the moon.We both wanted a boy.We laughed and joked about names.We did all the things parents do when they are pregnant.On Febuary 18 2004 I went to one of my ultrasounds and found out we were having a BOY!!I was due July 16 2004.We were so happy.My pregnancy was a good one.I loved everything about it.I loved feeling him kick and move.But I wanted to hold him.Well my baby boy decided to make his entrance into the world on his due date.We welcomed a healthy 7lb 1 oz Kade Nicholas at 11:20am Friday July 16, 2004.It went pretty fast.Started labor about 2:30am and he was here at 11:20am.He came so fast I couldn't have any pain meds so he was born all natural.I was a mommy again.

We took him home a couple days later.I swear I sat there for hours just staring in awe at this baby that Tom and I created.This beautiful gift God gave us.My second miracle child given to me.I have loved watching Kade grow.As a baby he was very quiet and observant.He loved to smile and loved everyone around him.Especially his 'Sissy' which is what he calls Mercedes.He was a daddy's boy all the way.

Kade the toddler was a handful at times.He always loved to explore.Which usually meant getting into everything.He loved to sit there and just talk with you.Watching him learn the world around him and seeing everything through his eyes was an amazing thing for me to be a part of.

Now Kade is 6.He is still a daddy's boy.He loves all things military and wants to be a Marine when he grows up.He is in first grade and loves being friends with everyone.He loves to play outside and has a big heart for animals.He loves to hang out with his Uncle Jack.He loves being in Boy Scouts.He has a curious mind and will ask you a million questions til he gets it.He is still my sweet baby boy.

Thank you for reading!
Hugs and Love,


  1. Newest follower from the Find Friends Friday. Also following on Facebook. If you get a minute please stop by and follow back.
    Have a super week!

  2. Welcome to MBC and Bloggy Moms! You have such cute kids! I'm now following.

